
Blood in the water

So first we have Jesse's gaffe, and as the NY Times states, "if Mr. Jackson is not longer the leader of of black Democrats, it seem to fair to ask if Mr. Obama, in fact, is." (Don't get me started on the whole post-racial world crap - whites try way to often to have it both ways in terms of Obama). (And might I also throw out there that I don't think Jesse was caught unawares, he knew what he was doing. The man is too much of a professsional media type - bloody shirt! - to not know. But I digress.)

But now the Times also has brought Congressman Rangel's four rent-stablized apartments to light - one being a campaign office (a legal no-no).

With Jesse Jr., telling his father, "Keep Hope Alive," and a possible investigation into Rangel's life (long over do if you ask me) - my question is, is there blood in the water for the old guard?

1 comment:

Butterrfly said...

Jesse is a publicity whore of the purest form...He really needs to step aside.. he had his time in limelight riding the coattails of MLK... now pick up his bible, read some scriptures, make sure his monthly checks clears for the child support he owes for his out of wedlock spawn and pray for a spot beyond the pearly gates.