
Harlem Hubris Presents it's first ever installment of: BUT IT'S OKAY WHEN THEY DO IT!

Something that every person knows living in America:
there are double standards in our society and sometimes those double standards can based on the complexion of one's skin.

Let's talk about forced into retirement Home run King Barry Lamar Bonds

and Yankee slugger Jason Giambi.

They both were implicated in The B.A.L.C.O. scandal that accused athletes from every sport with taking performance enhancing drugs.
While they both were considered cheaters only one is still playing ball.

The white one. While Jason Giambi is still earning a living playing the national pastime, Bonds is being blackballed and may soon be sent up the river on trumped up perjury charges related to the witch hunt that took place as he surpassed Ruth and then Hank Aaron in home runs.