
I bet color me badd aren't falling onstage!

Shouts out to Genna, she put me on to this video clip of jojo falling onstage. Hopefully he wasn't high but he sure wasn't sober. Where's Dalvin and Devante? They could have held jojo up since they didn't do anything else in Jodeci.


Anonymous said...

This is some sad ass ish right here. I don't know whether to laugh or join him on the floor.

AL-ZAMAN said...

Homeboy got twisted before he got on stage. (LOL) The dude that picked up the mike was just doing his job, thought it was all part of the act. "I just get paid to pick-up mics and throw peoples off stage."

Anonymous said...

Sad...really sad.

Butterrfly said...

LMAO! That is soo bootlegged.. I wasn't there but I want my money back! They should use this as a scared straight program for emerging hollywood starlets and stars. This can be YOU!