

You know what time it is tonight. Bill Clinton speaks at the DNC. The hope is that he will continue to co - sign Barack Obama as President as his wife did Tuesday night. Whatever. This speech will be like most speeches that he makes. "ME, ME and more ME." Not triangulation, not the Clinton Global initiative and certainly not Monica but this speech will properly define Bubba Tarzan's legacy: Are you for the party or are you for The Clintons? Are you for helping the poor or are you for helping you? Can you stop for once thinking about yourself or can you think about helping someone that beat you? All these questions will be answered tonight. Hopefully the answers will help Obama.


Anonymous said...

Okay, his speech did what Hillary's should have, but then again this IS Bill.. Sorry, but his speech reminded me of why he is liked- the eloquence, the blatant sultry ego ("Please, stop, please. You know I love this"). Bravo for him that he was able to exude support for Obama, and (ego or compliment?) project a similarity between the two within the context of youth/experience and the expectation of a powerful presidency. He f#ckin did what we wanted him to. Let's see him, as you said, carry this over in campaigning post convention.

NJB said...

LOL... Could you find an older pic of Bill? I can't remember the last time he looked like that! I honestly was not that impressed with Bill. I think Hillary did a much better job. In fact, it is the best speech I've ever heard her deliver...