

Someone sent me this picture but I must say this: I do like healthy girls but sometimes a girl can be too healthy. This girl is pretty much a great example of what I'm talking about. The best thing about this girl though is that she feels sexy. Sexy enough to take this picture and think that someone would not later put her on blast. Some poor snowflake about three quarters her size would be throwing up her food on a regular basis. This girl? She can't stop eating but still finds herself sexy. Admittedly that is kind of sexy.
And don't you dare think this girl is lonely either. Believe me there is a Caribbean dude somewhere asking her on a date. To dinner of course.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to choose to keep it positive...wait no I'm not. It is endearing that she believes she's sexy enough, but there is a fine line between "healthy" and making someone gag.
Next time, please preface this with a disclaimer that states you should not have food in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

why does the dude got to be West Indian? Though the picture does look like it was taken in Kingston.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I just peeped the date on that, and it was...of all days...*gasp* my birthday. Never mind the fact that it was taken this year...this is so not a happy birthday present to anyone. I will never forgive her for this.

Butterrfly said...

that is NOT sexy... she is NOT healthy... she is obese and needs a weight loss program NOW.