

For as long as this race has been going on I have been very critical of Michelle Obama, the future first lady of The United States. I always thought that she went out of her way to put down Barack. I always thought that it was a cultural thing among Black people where our women lord over the men and want to put them in their place. But last night she finally gave her man his due. In making a speech that was supposed to let the white undecided voters know that she is not a monster and her husband is not a sleeper cell, Michelle spoke of barack's love for family, country and God. It is sad that Michelle had that weight put on her shoulders but she pulled through. I won't even mention the beautiful moments with their two daughters. Good job, Michelle you get a pass from me for awhile.


Anonymous said...

And that hair was LAID!!!!! Bouncin' and behavin'- she looked regal and spoke eloquently. Operation Fear of a Black Hat will be in full effect by the time this thing is over.

dnyree said...

and why do you feel that way about michelle obama? what has she ever done to you? lol!

but really, why do you feel she goes out of her way to stand or lord over barack? i don't feel that way at all (and would wager on pretty high stakes that he doesn't either--- and i met him like 5 times, so we are almost homies now; lol). i see it as a "strong black woman" (for lack of a less cliched term) who has a "strong black man" beside (purposefully used) her who is not intimidated by or emasculated by her strength. i would think any man worth his weight would want and be empowered by an independent and steadfast woman that challenges him, but doesn't negate his presence as a provider or authority figure in their family. i think the confusion with this can come with people who think they deserve this type of respectful submissiveness off tops. that is an earned respect, and you don't just give to anyone just because they ask... well now by stroblawosys* is rising, so i'm just gonna end this cause you get the point.

(*stroblawosys = STROng BLAck WOman SYndrome... and yes, i made that up)

Anonymous said...

Sorry dnyree, but I have to agree with Roc on this one. She sometimes pokes fun at him in a degrading way. It's very subtle, and seems facetious, but she has to check that. It gets to be too much.

Butterrfly said...

how about that hair! I don't know what kinda lustersilk hot oil treatment she's using but its working! Her stylist deserves a emmy or something. That hair, so shiny.. perfection! *applause*... Michelle.. you are doing it... and doing it WELL!