

Vice Presidential pick Sarah Palin is a grandmother. That's right, Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, the poster child for pro - life advocates after deciding to have a child with Down's syndrome instead of having an abortion, may be in a deeper scandal.

Supposedly that last child is not really her daughter.
It is her grandchild and assumed as hers to save her 17 year old daughter from embarrassment. Supposedly her daughter was pulled out of her school for mono - but for four or five months. Five months for mono? You can go to school with AIDS never mind Mono.
Anyway here's the link to an article/post written by Laurie Kilmartin on a site called 24/6


Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me anymore...She is straight up Bree Van De Camp from Desparate Housewives... women like this really do exist. Besides allegedly pulling the gradma/mamma hustle she has another scandal to emerge where she "wrongfully" fired the head of the state troopers dept because he WOULDN'T fire her brother in-law. GOD bless America... we sure do need it!

Anonymous said...

Well.. Apparently Palin is not a grandma... YET.. this just in her 17 year old daughter is preggers.. and plans to marry her baby daddy.*snort* Nice... Palin's child rearing tactics are right out of the parenting guide of Lynn Spears... maybe Bristol will befriend Jaime Lynn trade teen-age parenting tips.GENIOUS! Nice choice McCain....your campaign staffers need to all be fired.. they are making a world class jack*ss out of you and everything you stand for... or stood for.. its hard to tell since you've backed off of every single moderate stance you had that 8 years ago rocketed you to the forefront of american consciousness. tsk tsk tsk.... oh well your loss is my laugh.. bah.. dah bah bah baaaaah.. I'm lovin' it.


Anonymous said...

Bloggers in the daily kos have said, "it's like waking up in an alternate universe". maybe things are so coo-coo in the republican machine. or a set up to put in Lieberman? or another? nobody celebrate. I hear chicken little.

Natasha said...

So much for abstinence education...

Anonymous said...

Like I said...McCain doesn't even care any more...next he'll find a purple cow as his chief of staff! He has given up! Good! Sarah Palin is not qualified to be a parent, let alone a VP. McCain is a loser for picking her, anyway. He might as well line up a possible "jump-off".

Anonymous said...

here is what I find most disturbing of all (besides what may really lurk behind such a choice, and that they would actually get votes): Both parties do this, but Republicans take it to a whole new level: they will put a potato in front of you and say it is a banana. They will tell you stories about that potato that aren't true, but because they INVENT narratives, people don't care it isn't a potato. It is a war of psychology, story telling. maybe I messed up that metaphor. Bottom line: we are living in fiction. yes, I'll bring up 1984.