
Come on MTv? Whose running the place over there?

At one point during Russel Brand's opening monologue I was thinking that whoever should not only be fired but they should be banned for life from working in television. This was the worst decision they made since they took off videos. i can't believe that they thought that he was going to be funny. This guy made Christian Slater's turn at MTV host look like Chris Rock's performance. I'd be very surprised if there isn't security waiting for whoever picked this guy as host as soon as the offices opened up at MTV Monday morning.


Anonymous said...

I agree. I turned the channel immediately after hearing his opening monologue. What a turn off? And, who asked him to be Obama's spokesperson.

Anonymous said...

Right...who is this guy?!?! After seeing him chat up Brit, then straight up dis LL...I purposely instructed my DVR to "skip this idiots monologue".

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy? I dont watch tha MTV awards but who is this guy?

Priest Foerever