
Bobb'e J.Thompson

Bobb'e J is quietly becoming my favorite
comedic actor. At 12 years old he's already funnier than most
cats twice his age.

Lil Bobbe's part begins 1:00 seconds in.
Paul Rudd of Knocked Up and 40 Yr Old Virgin fame (we won't mention Clueless and Halloween 6) cast Bobb'e J in new movie Role Models.

At the 1:30 mark Boob'e J draws a picture of Beyonce pouring sugar on his dick.


The Shining Black Prince! said...

this is funny as shit. i am beginning to believe he is like the kid andy what's his name? the dude who looked 12 but was really 30. is this kid really 12? he has more ability than most grown actors.

Anonymous said...

Ok, while i must admit that the Beyonce pouring sugar thing was funny, I really am not feeling the fact that Hollywood keeps getting this little boy to play this kind of role. Again, its stereotypical.

Priest FO!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad his body is stretching out and he is looking more like a kid. He was a weird looking little one when he was on tracy morgan's show a few years back. He had like a man head and a little boy body. Thank God for puberty.