
happy new year jews

look, i make it my business not to care about religions and not to care about religious holidays even less. but i have to say happy rosh hashanah to my jewish friends because i get two days off. people can say what they want about the jewish people; they are money grubbers, they run hollywood, they kill innocent palestinian children, they control the interest rates and therefore have crippled the global economy with their greedy money lust but when it comes to getting days off from work, they are my favorites. by the way happy yom kipur too.


Anonymous said...

Here here! For these 3 days off in 2 weeks, the Jews deserve for me to celebrate with some libations and a blunt.

NJB said...

LOL... not the noxious mixture of legal and illegal drugs! Ha!

Ain't nothing like getting days off in the middle of the week. Next week'll be nice too. Unfortunately they won't give ya the Friday off after having the Thursday for Yom Kippur off so you can make your 3 day Columbus Day weekend a 5 day one. Although I do not teach anymore, am I EVER glad that I still deal with the NYCDO-muthafrickin'-E!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

i miss these days now that i am back in toronto. by the way, did i tell you that my son is going to be the blackest kid in the hebrew school. he will be a jew, technically speaking.