
i know who i can get to take care of sarah palin - michelle!

where i come from a man should never put his hands on a woman. but when it comes to sarah palin i think she could be the exception. lately i know that barack obama must be feeling the same way. not only is she some kind of joke stepford v.p. candidate, but she is also now ramping up the racist, terrorist rhetoric against barack obama. i have a solution: instead of barack slapping the taste of moose - burger out of her mouth let's get michelle to give her the one - two. don't let the harvard degree fool you, michelle isn't that far gone from putting a pair of sneakers on her feet and some vaseline on her face and kicking that tina fey look a likes ass from chicago to alaska. i would pay to see that.


Anonymous said...

Wow awesome! I agree to the power of ten.

yeah Happy Yom Kippur too.

Anonymous said...

hateful rallies, but if you ask, they are Christians. how cool is Michelle. did you catch her on the Daily Show?

Butterrfly said...

"slapping the taste of moose - burger out of her mouth" <--- ROC! you are hilarious!