
janet is pulling the old i want to perform but i passed out trick

janet jackson reportedly had to be rushed to the hospital the other day. At first read one might get worried but then you can't worry because this is an old Jackson trick that perfected by Michael. Right before every performance once they realize they can't sing and dance at the same time at their advanced age they fake a pass - out and chicken out from performing. one question i keep asking myself is - who is buying tickets to see janet? why would anyone pay their hard earned money to see Ms. Dupri perform? Anybody that would pay more than five dollars to see Janet lip synch her way through rythm nation and 15 songs that only she still remembers deserve to have lost their money. get well janet if it is real.


Butterrfly said...

c'mon now Roc.. Janet is a legend.

Anonymous said...

Say it again butterrfly! I better not ever hear you say this in person or there will be a swift kick to the throat! No the bitch can't sing {and you know I can talk about that}, but she is the original. Beyonce and Rihanna owe everything they are to her.

NJB said...

Funny how that chick got sick shortly after that troll of a boyfriend threw up in her lap. Sheeeee-it, I'd be sick too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with talent... the timing was too perfect. While Janet will always have a place in history.. she needs to just hang it up. It's not fly...