
Poor Obama - he still thinks shit is fair!

I know that Obama wants to know how come he isn't 15 points ahead in the national polls. Poor Barack - he doesn't understand that this country is racist even at it's own detriment. They would rather vote for an old man with cancer and a beauty contestant as his vice - president than a young man that happens to be black that can truly change this country. There are people that are still saying that they are uncomfortable with a Black man in the White house not understanding the irony that for the past eight years we have had illegal wars, dead soldiers , innocent civilians murdered overseas, banking scandals and gitmo beatings. There are so many more scandals to mention but you get the point. At the next debate barack should pull his pants down, take his dick out, look at the white people in the audience and say, "look, is this what's stopping you from voting for me? I'll make you a deal. I won't put this into any of your women if you vote for me. But if you don't vote for me i am going to put this into all of your women - starting with scarlett johannsen." I guarantee that by the end of that debate, he will be up easily by 18 points.


NJB said...

YOU ARE RIDICULOUS!!! ROFLMAO!!!YOu know what I say... "Well John, I have a bracelet too!" HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

...or shot on live television.

Anonymous said...

here here! I cry when I see him being so nice, trying so hard. But this is the essence of his campaign. I don't think he can retract from that.