
well it looks like it wasn't willie's fault after all!

the mets choked again like a white porn star in a reparations porn movie. at first it was the manager's fault. then it was jose reyes' fault. then it was the dominican general manager's fault. then it was the golden boy david wright's fault. everyone is all wrong. they all suck. they all tanked and spit the bit. maybe if minaya hadn't fired willie during the middle of the night, this would not have happened to them. karma is a bitch. i like jerry manuel and i love the fact that the mets had a black manager and a dominican general manager but i think that after this second collapse and choke it's time that certain people admit to themselves that minority players play better for white managers and white front office officials. bring back bobby valentine. willie has been vindicated.


NJB said...

Fire MINAYA!!! I'm HATIN' because they may as well had kept Willie. Fuggas.

Anonymous said...

you can tell that i read this blog regularly when i understand the metaphor about the porn star....gee whiz