
well, it's time to say goodbye to the juice!

i feel bad for O.j. I ordinarily would defend the innocence of O.J. but this time i can't because i am concentrating on a black man becoming the president of the united states. put it like this: O.J. and Barack Obama has become the modern- day equivalent of the choice the jews had to make between barabus and jesus christ. i'll leave it up to you to decide which one is jesus and which one is barabus. and unlike the jews back in the day: we can't get this one wrong. don't think the timing of this trial and it's way - fast verdict was a coincidence. any other time i and other militant bloggers probably would be up in arms over the racist court system basically putting o.j. in jail for something they think he did over 15 years ago. But now? sorry juice, you are probably going to be the only black man that can say barack obama running for president was the worse thing that ever happened to them.


Anonymous said...

White people are so happy they finally got him. But like you said...I'll trade you O.J. for Barack.

Anonymous said...

He played right into their hands....just ridiculous. Hands down I choose Barack.

NJB said...

Come on... is there really a choice here?!?!?!?!