Aight, first......lemme apologize for missing ya'll on Friday with the QOTD. But, let's keep it moving.

They are in the final stages of sentencing Brian Nichols. Even as they deliberate late into tonite. The question is whether he should be put to death or live to behind bars for a lifetime? So far, he's been quite crafty and charming to quite a few of the ones he has encountered. Some even feel that if left alive, he could escape only to kill again. He seems to have reach in and out of jail, especially not for him to be a gangsta.............or is he?
I am not quick to put folks to death, but this one can get the switch pulled. I don't know if he did to his gf what she said he did, which probably caused him to snap when he realized he was up shit creek, BUT dude killed multiple people and left one lady messed up for life. I can't be righteous on this one. If one of those people were my folks, I'd want him to get lethal injection, fry, and some ole Mortal Kombat fatality....
Big Reub, give yourself a pound because you made me do a little research on this crazy ass.
HE IS CRAZY! Now we don't kill crazies, we rehabilitate them or at least calm them the hell down. But after reading his rap sheet...I don't know! The thing is he was in jail on a rape charge. Dude, do your time and keep it moving. But really messed himself up when he escaped and played a friendly game of Grand Theft Auto.
I can't call it, but until they've given him some kind of injection, no more trips to the ATL.
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