
is it okay to rape her for real now?

My whole thing is and I don't care how it sounds but can someone rape this bitch for real now? At this point even Barack Obama should put his name in a hat to be the first in line to sexually assault this lying bitch. Before you judge my words harsh realize this: This cunt, and at this point that word is a compliment for her, decided to make up a story that would bring back years of racist feelings by claiming that an Obama supporter that happened to be Black beat her up, marked a "B" on her cheek because she was a McCain supporter. She was trying to swing the election and ruin America on some Emmit Till shit. Well, okay bitch you want to be raped by a Black man, well there will be plenty of women where you are headed that will be willing to play that role for you - and do the deed. Good Riddance!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dang, u know no woman would ever wish that on another woman, right?