

On Father's day we should all take time to thank the men that have guided our lives. Although many men can grow up without a father and make a significant impact on society (Barack Obama immediately comes to mind) fathers are important. Fathers are what keeps a young girl from turning into a hoe. Fathers are what prevents a young boy from turning into a criminal. Fathers are very important. How much do you want to bet that this boy does not have a father in his life? Thank you, Ms. Cigarette for putting me on to this:

A follow up:


Anonymous said...

Here's the thing with Latarian...we've seen this type of kid before. No home training. Doesn't care about himself or others. Disrespects the people that care for him (work it out, Grandma). And thanks to Ted White reporting from blahblahblah news, Latarian is now being encouraged to do more bad things! Hey, why not! According to Latarian, "it's fun to do bad things". By the way...I've always been a supporter of beatin' that ass.

Anonymous said...

this is sad...really sad. we might turn the news on one day and see that latarian has really had some "fun doing bad things". in the meantime, grandma need to beat that ass then drop his lil butt off to a therapist because this child needs help NOW. the media needs to stop feeding into his pranks.

Anonymous said...

Yes...I am going to copy and paste directly from my own blog for this one {www.mutthoni.typepad.com}. Shameless plug, I know, and definitely not as entertaining as yours...but hey!
First of all, he's 7. Second, his 7-year old friend is smoking cigarettes. Third, he "yanked the thang". Fourth, when did it ever become fun to do "bad things" at 7?
Fifth, and maybe this should have been first, he is the size of Mac 10 {did I mention that he's 7?}. Sixth, "hood rat stuff with my friend" should not leave the mouth of a 77-year old, nevertheless, a 7-year old. Seventh, why is she talking about she wants to whoop his behind when she should have already broke her foot off in his ass? What she needed to do was kick his ass right in front of the cops, therefore ensuring her one-night stay at the precinct, so that when she came home, she could tell Latarion how she is willing to spend a night in jail in order to bust his head wide open to the white meat. At that point, he would know she wasn't lying, and might be scared straight. But I'm not holding my breath on that last part. Eighth, I don't know that I'm really willing to roll with the idea of no video games for a week being equivalent to stealing Gramma Zikkita's Durango...I could be wrong though. And finally, can yo' momma help her??? Chile...if I was Latarion's momma right now I would have caught a case, and would not be coming home after one evening {and you all know how I hate my jail stays}.
I work with children everyday. I love them dearly, but I have never come across a 7-year-old whom would put his hands on his own grandmomma. Not just any ol' grandmomma either...the one whose car he just stole the week before, and the grandmomma whom he asked if he could take her rental for a spin, and the grandmomma whom told him he could not have chicken wings before he ordered them anyway. You cannot tell me, from any point of view, that this is because of the violence he's witnessed. This has to somehow be related to the fact that no one loved him enough to slap the bejeezus out of him when he got out of hand. Hello somebody!
What is the world coming to? I mean realistically, where do we expect Latarion to be in 10 years. I want to snatch him up, and give him a good spanking, and after that {and only after that} would I hug him until he couldn't breathe. Yes someone needs to love him, but someone needs to give him some tough love. Grandmomma Zikkita ain't gettin' it!