

If you are over 30 then you know the deal:

Gene Anthony Ray (Harlem's own), better known as “Leroy” from Fame is the Godfather of street dancing. His moves on Fame were the beginning of the moves that we now see today. The gestures, movements and lets face it the very, very super - effeminate mannerisms that Leroy did took root and has now blossomed into a dance culture that has given us movies like “Step up”, “You got Served”, reality television shows like, “So you think you can dance” and music from the South that encourages us all to dance - “Crank Dat”, “It’s going down” and every other Southern song where groups ask you to do something other than listen to their horrible lyrics. So the next time that you are doing the chicken noodle soup, walking it out or the motorcycle dance remember; it all started with Leroy.

All Hail Leroy the greatest street dancer of all time.


Anonymous said...

I think I just saw him last night in Rent, or at the very least mixed in with the effeminate crowd that practices at the 135th street park every so often. Black gay Harlem owes everything about themselves to Leroy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Where did you find this video? I looooooooooooooooved me some Leroy! ;)

Butterrfly said...

yeah... I had a crush on him too for a while.. Hmm.. apparently I had no gaydar growing up. ...lol

Anonymous said...

These kids don't know nothin' about Leroy! Back then, we weren't even thinking gay...we respected his skills!