

Rarely do supporting actors get their proper credit. Ralph Carter was the kid that didn't get most of the story lines on Good Times but he did get the best line, "Mamma, boy is a white racist word." He was the midget militant, the smart young one and lets call a spade a spade the gay one in the family. He was very womanly towards the end of the run of Good Times but he did leave us with this gem, "when you're young and in love." Enjoy:


Anonymous said...

Was this towards the end? Because he was definitely doing some "womanly" things here. And why are his parents so proud? I would have snatched my son off that stage and told him to grow some balls!

Butterrfly said...

Whatever... I was like 4 years old and thought he was hot... haters. :-P I met him in person at the airport about 4 years later (after the show had ended) and was star struck... In retrospect, yeah, he was obviously flaming.. however, the nostalgia of the crush lives on.. sing with me.. when you're young and in loooooooooooove!

siddeeq said...

Did he die I'm confused

Big Reub said...

....has anyone seen him lately? He doesn't look all that different. Just older with a wirey mustach.

Anonymous said...

I always loved Ralph Carter's character...and I particularly thought is was interesting how they never acknowledged the "womanly" factor. Yes, he was the gay one in the family and smart, militant, aware, and protective. I have a few "Ralph Carters" in my life and call them all friends. You go, Ralph Carter! Where is he now?

AL-ZAMAN said...

Damn, it's suspect but at least there's another side as far as talent is concerned, but what's up with Bookman despite the "Buffalo Butt" status I thought he was pretty talented, can't forget Thelma's husband in that show as well. Okay I am going overboard, but Michael Evans did his thing on the conscious as well as lighter side of things.