

Anyone that could not see the greatness in Barack's speech last night is either blind, deaf or dumb. Or possibly all three. Barack hit his mark in his speech last night. Racism and only racism will stop him from being the next President of The United States. In his speech last night Barack made you feel hope and a bright future. His speech made you think that we as a country (black, white, brown, conservative, democrat, short, tall, men and women) could come back from this eight years of hell we have been in since W. stole it in 2000. Barack's speech last night illustrated not only the beauty of this country but the opportunity it can give anyone in it if they work hard enough and follow the rules. It is he and not John McCain that should lead this country out of this wilderness we are in currently and into better times. Anyone that can't see that, whether it's Michael Goodwin of the Daily News or that crippled columnist (God forgive me for writing that but even a cripple can be an asshole) Charles Krauthammer (Sp?) need to look themselves in the mirror and ask themselves, "How racist am I?".


Butterrfly said...

You aint never lie! I seriously was inspired. Barack is like the perfect blend of what this country needs. He gets it. He gets America.

Anonymous said...

He is the embodiment of America. He is the realized dream that makes me proud of our stars and stripes.

Anonymous said...

And let's echo what you said but do not give it power for it to happen, "Racism and only racism will stop him from being the next President of the United States." Let us work for him and pray we do not have to face the prospect of such a future, because America will have a very ugly mirror to look into. The next generation does not deserve this.