

Well John McCain has done it. With his pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice - presidential running mate McCain has proven that he is too senile to be President. Why on Earth would he picke a woman that came in second in a beauty contest? Why not first? Why on Earth would he pick someone he met that day? Why on Earth would he pick someone that has only been governor for 20 months to be his possible replacement? And lastly why on Earth would he pick someone that looks like Tina Fey?


Butterrfly said...

John McCain is letting the Republican Spin Machine run his campaign...selling his soul and integrity the whole way. If you look at the campaign he ran back in 2000 against GW he was a totally different man. He was like repub-light... tolerable enough for independents such as myself. Now... he's just a mere shadow of himself... a shell of a man who once was.. a robot soldier following the misguided notions of a misguided party.

Anonymous said...

The Apocalypse cometh if this man is president. This is a dark setup, mostly to drill oil in Alaska. I am insulted as a woman, an American, a human being. Hillary Clinton should be insulted, and she better be calling this out... And why do I have to hear people say how listening to Michelle Obama helped "humanize her". Humanize? We have to prove Michelle is a human? Don't tell me race is dead.