
Hillary hits a homerun!

For the longest time I have not been a fan of Her Majesty Hillary Clinton. As a matter of fact I have gone far enough to call her a cunt but after her speech last night I have got to give her credit. She did the best she could to give Barack the support he needed. While her speech could also be seen as the starting point for a 2012 presidential run if Barack loses, she still did enough to tell her PUMAS and whomever else hating on Barack that the right move was to vote Democrat. Now let's see how much campaigning she does until November.


Butterrfly said...

she *finally* did the right thing.. plus.. I assume she is going to try to run again in 2016..in the words of our current chief, "its all about strategery"

Anonymous said...

It was good, but restrained and cautionary-still seems strategic as you hint at. But then again, it is similar to the tone in all the speeches I've heard her give. Bravo for uttering his name and associating it with a favorable vote.
But women who feel scorned by Obama- please, don't hate. Embrace the love, the progressiveness, the skills of grassroot community organizing. Imagine that applied from the White House. It can serve us good.

Anonymous said...

When you said "she did the best she could to give Barack the support he needed", you said it all. But she didn't do the best she SHOULD. Personally, it seemed to me that she mentioned herself too much. It seemed as if she couldn't get it out of her mind that this was his night and not hers. It seemed as if she felt like she would take this one last opportunity to stick it to Barack and his supporters to make everyone recognize how wonderful she is. She had a few high moments though, such as "No McCain". I loved it, but I definitely don't love her.