
i have never really spoken to you about...

Seriously, i know funny shows. dead serious. i can tell you what is a good show and what isn't. family ties was funny. wings was not. i know they were both in syndication but one is better throughout the test of time. but this show right here is definitely the best show on television right now. and once 30 rock AND the office hit their stride i will put it into the third slot right in front of the sarah silverman show. as much as i hate murdoch's news operation at fox and the wall street journal, i have to give it up to him and his minions when it comes to their entertainment division. sunny and the shield have the innovation that you look for when it comes to thought - provoking entertaining programs. damn you, montgomery burns - oh, i mean rupert murdoch


Anonymous said...

Just bought my season pass! But nothing will take away the joy I get from watching Dwight K. Schrute.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit..it is a smart kind of comedy and I like it. But, I'm not tuning in every Thursday night to catch it like I am on Mondays with CSI Miami. Does that mean that I like shooting and stabbing more than happiness and intelligence?