my homegirls SHORT AND TALL ( i said that i wouldn't mention names) said that they thought that some of my posts were highly offensive and i asked them what could possibly be offensive about posts analyzing politics, pop culture and the hypocrisy of our democracy. then they said that was not what they were talking about. evidently my posts about stretched out vaginas and booties were what they were talking about. what can i say? i like big butts. most of the fellas i know love big butts. there is just something about a big butt that makes me think about pulling out a stack of dollar bills and giving it to a woman with a fake name. while i mention that let me say this: this will be the last post about big butts...tonight! check out homegirl i found her on some site that is WHOLLY DEDICATED to girls with big butts. i feel like indiana jones when he found the holy grail. damn. here is the link the site is called chocolate city. hello
"I-Like-Big-Butts and I cannot lie....."
Man, I'm sure you know by now that I had to click that link IMMEDIATELY. Sorry, ladies ;), but, there is just something about a big butt and a smile that a brotha just cannot resist. If nothing but to look and break our necks doing it.
I don't know about breakin' off them singles in the strip club though. Something in me....Just Says No.
...butt bruh, you and the ladies, if you'd like to see something more intresting and maybe more respectful for the ladies, check this out: http://www.venusrevolution.com/homepage
This is another CAU Grad, ya might know him.
C'mon guys...I know you are not turning Harlem Hurbris into a website exchange network for guys who like women with big butt and APPARENTLY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO.
thank you donna!
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