i love baseball and i know that blacks that love baseball are about as rare as whites that love the truth about white supremacy but yet and still i find myself regretting the latest big signing by my home town team the new york yankees. the yankees and their nerd king general manager thought that they had to outbid any other team by 60 million dollars to sign cc sabatthia. the big man was offered a contract worth up to 160 million dollars over 7 years. Why? dude can pitch but unless he is part satchel paige, sandy koufax and babe ruth all rolled into one (which would explain why dude is so fat) why 160? is he going to pitch every fucking game? i personally never like to begrudge any man for making his money and a black player no less but this time i am starting to scratch my head with the moves that cashman and the gang down in tampa are doing. is their a weight clause in his contract? their should be.
Makes me think: What recession?
Well said Nappy, but furthermore, WHY OH WHY do the Yankees ALWAYS spend so much damn money and have only been subpar the past few years??? Did they really think that some other team was going to offer $159.9 mil? What the heck is this really about??? I swear the Yanks are like that wack azz dude in the club that hold his Porsche keychain in the same hand as his Heineken all night. Just flashing all that, getting (shallow) chicks' hopes up for nothing because he still lives with his mama in Fort Greene projects. I hope the Yanks can prove us all wrong.
Hopefully the Knicks can show the Yanks a thing or two when it comes to making moves because Lord knows they rank right up there with the Bombers in costly moves that amount to nothing, i.e. Steph and A-Rod. Which is worse???
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