If Princess f*ckin Leia of Alderaan can't maintain her sexy in her later years , there's no hope for the rest of you white women. You hear me Lindsey, Paris, Kim K.? That does it, I'm going back to dating mixed women....the Rae Dong Chong...Lark Voorhies of the world. Shiiiit I might have to go back to dating full fledged black women after seeing this shit. Can I tell you something, Reggie Bush??........WHITE WOMEN AGE HORRIBLY....HORRIBLY.
P.S. I hope to God this was photo-shopped, cause this one hurts.
Lark Voohries is mixed???????????????
...That is really not a good look for Carrie Fisher. I mean Gotdayum!!!! The Irony. How do you look like Jabba the Hut?
Her last name is Voorhies, Reub....VOORHIES. She better be mixed!
Awe man that's cold.....but funny
black men: take heed. all of you out there dating these white chicks will be layin next to this in a few years! yeah, she may be cute now, but won't nothin be cute about her ass later.
yet another reason to stick with a sista. we get better with time.
lmao...scare tactics
Forget the last name... Her first name is Lark. The only bird Black people name their children after is a robin.
You know what they say, black don't crack. And even when we put on a few pounds, we make it work. That mess right there, is inexcusable. She better have diabetes, hypertension and a thyroid disorder.
Gotta luv the sarcasm... :))
oh no, what happened to princess lea?
LOL! That's funny...
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