
is it okay to be homophobic AFTER watching this clip?

Now it's never okay to HATE but after watching this clip, one can understand why some Americans have issues with homosexuals. Hell, after watching this clip I wouldn't be surprised if the gay lobby started hating THEMSELVES. Another Ms. Cigarette contribution.


Anonymous said...

Woooooowwww...I don't really know what to say. It's a lot to take in (no pun intended). Don't generalize...not all homosexuals are like Samwell. The flaming cross and chocolate heart being bitten were a bit much. But you have to admit...his skin and teeth looked fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Yes! This is the reason why people seem so afraid of their children being gay, so afraid to share the same space with gay people. He does nothing but support the negative stereotypes. Not all gay men want someone to "what what in the butt", but it sure does make it difficult to argue their normalcy after a video like that.