
Ghetto Snack Hall of Fame - quarter waters

If you have never seen this, then you are not from a hood environment. Plain and simple. These things were just water with food coloring and we kids used to drink them like it meant something. If you had 50 cents, you could get a bag of chips, a quarter water and you would be good. they were called quarter waters because duh, they cost a quarter. They were cool. Nowadays with tropical fantasy soda (another ghetto snack hall of famer) invading the unhealthy bad for your kids drink market, quarter waters are a little bit harder to find but thanks to the poverty, low health standards and ignorance of shop owners in the hood, they can still be found. This is a ghetto snack first ballot hall of famer right here. There was not a kid that didn't wash their pizza down with a quarter water at least twice. I don't know when it was that I stopped buying quarter waters but I know now that it was a sad day because it meant that I was no longer a kid.


Butterrfly said...

sugar-laidened poison.

... but you know what.. this is some real portion control.. do ANY drinks come in this size anymore? what is that 6 oz?

Anonymous said...

...ever notice how many times you had to clear your throat when swallowing this poison

Anonymous said...

Holy shit!!! Bigapples...you are so right. I remember clearing my throat a few times after drinking a quarter water...espeacially the purple (grape).
Good times though...good times
FYI...how about the two toned now & laters & putn them on the radiator to melt :)

Anonymous said...

finally found out what a quater water is lol...must have ben a east coast word cuz over here on the west we just called it juice..."get me one if them 25¢ red juices frm the store"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, in NY we call them quarter waters