
if you think the President is not good enough to speak your child on the first day of school then you are a redneck...

Can you imagine that people have the nerve to even circulate the notion that something is wrong with The POTUS speaking to the Nation's children? This man is not some stranger he is The President. He is not some communist dictator he is The President of The United States. It is to the point where conservative crackers are cruising for a bruising. I am very disappointed in the way that a large segment of the population are showing what they TRULY think about diversity, inclusion, African Americans and our constitution. Oh well, better get my myself a gun and prepare for the ALL OUT RACE WAR!

1 comment:

Marvel Girl said...

First I stopped watching Morning Joe. But now I've stopped watching news altogether because of the race war against Obama. But I still hear about it when mom calls me with all the details. this is such a disgrace. how much of our collective national ugliness does this reveal?