
teachers are you ready for some teaching?

well it's that time again. The time when teachers dread. The end of summer vacation. The end of watching daytime talk shows, jealous spouses and getting paid for not working. Well, it's time to get back in the trenches and teach the kiddies. Teachers get ready for high amounts of stress, unresponsive parents and administrators that just don't get it.


Anonymous said...

Let's pour out a little liquor for another fallen summer killed by the needs of our ignorant youth.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready...The Wendy William Show helped me during the dog days of summer. On to another back of kids asking me for books.

Butterrfly said...

whatever... take your arse back to work and deal wit it... no violins for you. :P

Anonymous said...


were you even awake for any of PD? HA HA.