I saw a clip from this new movie about Che Guevara, starring Benicio Del Toro as Che. It's an independent movie, but seems like it will be a good movie and somewhat good portrayal of the guy. However, there was a movie called The Motorcycle Diaries made about him a few years ago also. From what I've read about this cat, he was a very interesting dude. But, we have, for some time now, seen all the hype and iconic photos and t-shirts about the man, but do you any of you really know who he was? I mean really. He represents "The Revolution", but do we really know the man behind the hype; Ernesto 'Che' Guevara?
I used to know after watching some tv special on him. I know many people DIDN'T like him and what he stood for and the way people are using his image today. I remember MTV making a big deal about blurring out his image when Jay-Z wore a t-shirt with him on it.
Well my father ran for office under the Socialist ticket, worships Fidel, and considers Angela a good friend...I think I've learned a bit about him over the years.
And now the FBI considers your blog a threat to all things American for having all those aforementioned words under a post about Che.
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