With the recent fighting between Representatives Allen West and Debbie Wasserman Schultz both from Florida puts me in a conundrum. My Nation Of Islam training tells me to hate 25/20's and Jews but to equally hate sellout monkey Black Uncle Toms as well. I don't know who to root for in this fight. To be fair when Schultz made her crack about West ignoring the needs of his constituency it seemde like an innocuous enough comment. But West went hard body at old girl and hurt the yenta's feelings. He basically bought an Uzi to a knife fight. I was all set to say to take his side based on his color alone ( I admit it ) until he went on racist bomb thrower Mark Levin's radio show and had this to say:
The thing that really most aggravates me is that there is this double standard and that the people on the hard left can continue to attack conservatives and especially minority conservatives and female conservatives. But yet when you stand up and say you will not tolerate this anymore then they claim to be a victim which I find absolutely laughable.
People who are black conservatives – I grew up in the inner city, strong values, came from a strong military family and background – what we do is we totally invalidate the liberal social welfare policies and programs. I’m a threat because I’m the guy who got off of their 21st century plantation and they cannot afford to have such a strong voice as mine out there reverberating and resonating across this country.The thing that really most aggravates me is that there is this double standard and that the people on the hard left can continue to attack conservatives and especially minority conservatives and female conservatives. But yet when you stand up and say you will not tolerate this anymore then they claim to be a victim which I find absolutely laughable.
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I am not quick to label another black person as a so-called "uncle Tom","coon" or "sell-out." Before I characterize or categorize Allen West,I think it is only right to look beneath the surface of simplistic political rhetoric. Allen West is a military man;he is rooted in the military tradition and it is his Military background that he credits with shaping him.I have to assume that West's ideology has been significantly, if not completely, informed by his military indoctrination, which above all else is based, philosophically, on an ordered Meritocratic system. West apparently views society, in large part, through the lens of a military man and the values that the military is philosophically based on.All of this said, West has developed a political, economic and social perspective that is considered conservative. While I don't necessarily agree with many of the policies that are championed by the so-called "conservative right", I don't fear their perspective/agenda any more than I question the agenda of the left. As a person who is unapologetically primarily concerned with the progress of black people, I evaluate political figures and their policies based on the likeliness or unlikeliness of their prospective polices/agenda having the ability to create an environment in which black progress can take place. Thus, the discussion about West shouldn't be about some rhetorical statements he made about another candidate. The discussion should be about how whatever agenda he has or supports will ultimately benefit or detriment the progress of black people. We have to stop summarily dismissing the so-called conservative policies and start being more thorough and intelligent in how we expose the flaws in these policies, pointing out logically, historically, economically, etc. how those policies are likely to have a detrimental impact on the progress of black people.I think some people are afraid to truly engage in this level of discourse, perhaps because they are afraid of how that discussion may turn out. Progressives/liberals really have not made a good case for how their agenda (whatever that is) has/will facilitate the progress of black people.It seems like the best progressives/liberals can do is use the conservative right as some sort of boogie-man to scare black people and others into thinking that their agenda is the only option. My point is that both "wings" are largely controlled by special interests and neither "wing" of the bird has set forth an agenda that I view as representing a political and more importantly, an economic paradigm that is designed to empower the people in general, and black people in particular, to take control of their own destiny. In truth, black people do need to internally embrace and practice more self-discipline, take more responsibility for ourselves and our community, etc.Most black people really don't want to have to take full responsibility for ourselves. It is easier to look to politicians to save us, which leads to us fearing those who we view as being likely to take something from us. We are not equally critical of the agenda of those who appear to be giving us something, nor do we hold them accountable for their failed policies. Look at so many of the major cities in the US, particularly on the East Coast (Philly, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, etc.).All of these cities have been in democratic/liberal control for the last 30 years and look at the condition they are in. Please show me some place where the liberal/progressive agenda has produced progress of a critical mass of black people? So, while we characterize the likes of Allen West as "uncle Tom" "sell-out" etc. please do not forget to call out the liberals and so-called progressives who have sold-out (literally and figuratively) and failed our communities continuously for the last three decades.
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