

Vice Presidential pick Sarah Palin is a grandmother. That's right, Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, the poster child for pro - life advocates after deciding to have a child with Down's syndrome instead of having an abortion, may be in a deeper scandal.

Supposedly that last child is not really her daughter.
It is her grandchild and assumed as hers to save her 17 year old daughter from embarrassment. Supposedly her daughter was pulled out of her school for mono - but for four or five months. Five months for mono? You can go to school with AIDS never mind Mono.
Anyway here's the link to an article/post written by Laurie Kilmartin on a site called 24/6


Sweet Freedom

I found an interesting (yet admittedly poorly produced) tribute to Obama's candidacy set to the very 80's Michael McDonald song 'Sweet Freedom'. You may recall that the song was on the motion picture soundtrack 'Running Scared' staring Billy Crystal and the late great Gregory Hines - the only black and white duo that could give Obama and Biden a serious run for their money.

At the 1:45 mark, there's are dope picture of Obama as 'Uncle Sam'. Enjoy.



Is this real? It can't be because these girls would be in every rap video ever made. Shit, I want to start a rap career so that I can get them to be in my video. These girls can't be real. They can't be. Please someone find them and take them on a tour. Like a wonderful piece of art they should be displayed so that men would flock from place to place to see them. Looking would be 10, rubbing would be 100 and well I can't figure out what else I would do that I want to publicly say for 1,000.


Well John McCain has done it. With his pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice - presidential running mate McCain has proven that he is too senile to be President. Why on Earth would he picke a woman that came in second in a beauty contest? Why not first? Why on Earth would he pick someone he met that day? Why on Earth would he pick someone that has only been governor for 20 months to be his possible replacement? And lastly why on Earth would he pick someone that looks like Tina Fey?


Anyone that could not see the greatness in Barack's speech last night is either blind, deaf or dumb. Or possibly all three. Barack hit his mark in his speech last night. Racism and only racism will stop him from being the next President of The United States. In his speech last night Barack made you feel hope and a bright future. His speech made you think that we as a country (black, white, brown, conservative, democrat, short, tall, men and women) could come back from this eight years of hell we have been in since W. stole it in 2000. Barack's speech last night illustrated not only the beauty of this country but the opportunity it can give anyone in it if they work hard enough and follow the rules. It is he and not John McCain that should lead this country out of this wilderness we are in currently and into better times. Anyone that can't see that, whether it's Michael Goodwin of the Daily News or that crippled columnist (God forgive me for writing that but even a cripple can be an asshole) Charles Krauthammer (Sp?) need to look themselves in the mirror and ask themselves, "How racist am I?".


teachers are you ready for some teaching?

well it's that time again. The time when teachers dread. The end of summer vacation. The end of watching daytime talk shows, jealous spouses and getting paid for not working. Well, it's time to get back in the trenches and teach the kiddies. Teachers get ready for high amounts of stress, unresponsive parents and administrators that just don't get it.


You know what time it is tonight. Bill Clinton speaks at the DNC. The hope is that he will continue to co - sign Barack Obama as President as his wife did Tuesday night. Whatever. This speech will be like most speeches that he makes. "ME, ME and more ME." Not triangulation, not the Clinton Global initiative and certainly not Monica but this speech will properly define Bubba Tarzan's legacy: Are you for the party or are you for The Clintons? Are you for helping the poor or are you for helping you? Can you stop for once thinking about yourself or can you think about helping someone that beat you? All these questions will be answered tonight. Hopefully the answers will help Obama.

Hillary hits a homerun!

For the longest time I have not been a fan of Her Majesty Hillary Clinton. As a matter of fact I have gone far enough to call her a cunt but after her speech last night I have got to give her credit. She did the best she could to give Barack the support he needed. While her speech could also be seen as the starting point for a 2012 presidential run if Barack loses, she still did enough to tell her PUMAS and whomever else hating on Barack that the right move was to vote Democrat. Now let's see how much campaigning she does until November.


I bet color me badd aren't falling onstage!

Shouts out to Genna, she put me on to this video clip of jojo falling onstage. Hopefully he wasn't high but he sure wasn't sober. Where's Dalvin and Devante? They could have held jojo up since they didn't do anything else in Jodeci.


Isn't it time that she starts spelling "D-I-E-T"?

Marilyn Monroe was bad - I have got to be real about it!

I know she has been dead for over 40 years but damn looking at this picture I can see why men still go crazy over Marilyn Monroe. She was bad as hell. Look I know she was a pill popping, bottled - blonde fluzy but shit I'll take it. Look at those curves. There was always talk that when she was found dead and her body was still warm men had her sex with her corpse. Now that is not something that I would do but you got to think about it; A dead Marilyn probably was better than all of the women most men could fuck with anyway. Rest In Peace Norman Jean they don't make many like you anymore


Let's keep it real. Acting is not easy. But when you are a child, acting is super difficult. This summer while I have been home BET has been airing Different Strokes and I am now convinced that Gary Coleman was the best child actor of all time. Better than Jackie Cooper, The Beaver and especially Punky Brewster. Not only did he star on an ensemble show for over 8 seasons but he carried it. The only other person that can say they did that was Jaleel White, who still has not gotten the credit he deserves. Gary Coleman deserves an Emmy. His show gave us the show Facts Of life which was awesome. The next time you get a chance check out Arnold Jackson and see how he mixes it up with Willis, Kimberly (God Bless The Dead) one of the maids and Mr. D.


For as long as this race has been going on I have been very critical of Michelle Obama, the future first lady of The United States. I always thought that she went out of her way to put down Barack. I always thought that it was a cultural thing among Black people where our women lord over the men and want to put them in their place. But last night she finally gave her man his due. In making a speech that was supposed to let the white undecided voters know that she is not a monster and her husband is not a sleeper cell, Michelle spoke of barack's love for family, country and God. It is sad that Michelle had that weight put on her shoulders but she pulled through. I won't even mention the beautiful moments with their two daughters. Good job, Michelle you get a pass from me for awhile.


I know she has been around for a long time but Kitoy's body is still bangin'. Not only does she have an ample backside but her body is tight. Her booty seems like the type of booty that you can have a glass, plate and a dinner on. I know that it's wrong to objectify women but LOOK AT HER ASS! Come on you can't blame me. I used to be a breast man but when you have women looking like this I'll take an A - cup and a 40 inch bottom. I'm not saying my wife has anything to worry about if I meet Kitoy but I will say this: She needs to be around when I do.


Bill Clinton needs to take a page from the book of Ted Kennedy. They know how to pay homage and not seem condescending. At his speech last night, the good Senator from Mass spoke of hope and optimism for the 21st century under an Obama presidency. Even though he was told not to fly because he might die, he chose to ignore doctors' advice leave his bedside and go to Denver anyway. I hope he can stay alive long enough to see Obama elected. Lord knows even if he doesn't, at least he did his part. Are you listening Bill?



Well the democratic convention starts tonight and for Barack Obama it's now or never.
Now is the time when the democratic party and the clintons in particular must finally come to terms with the fact that Barack Obama is the man. Not Hillary, not Bill but Barack, a bi - racial Kenyan Kansan. The people chose him not the media. So put away your hater - ade and take out your pom poms
The future first lady Michelle Obama is the keynote speaker tonight and there is also a glowing tribute planned in honor of The Kennedys, the first and cursed family of America and the Democratic party.
Reportedly Senator Edward Kennedy is supposed to say a few words. There won't be a dry eye in the house. Just don't mention that car accident. Get ready to laugh, cry, be proud and hear the word "change" about 3 million times this week.



Don't act like you don't know who this guy is? The way that you knew Mr. Marcus, you definitely know him. He's the porn dude that talks all the smack while he tears women a new a - hole.
You either recognize this guy by his funny one - liners like, "Bitch make it nasty" or one of my favorites, "Bitch make my dick disappear" or he is very familiar to you because of the gun tats he has on each hip. The only problem is that sometimes he is too funny. This is the only guy that can make you bust a gut before you bust a nut. But after looking at this interview it's obvious that Wesley just isn't long dick and bubble gum he knows what it takes to make it in the porn game. Have a look and listen...Sorry ladies he has his clothes on the whole time.


Someone sent me this picture but I must say this: I do like healthy girls but sometimes a girl can be too healthy. This girl is pretty much a great example of what I'm talking about. The best thing about this girl though is that she feels sexy. Sexy enough to take this picture and think that someone would not later put her on blast. Some poor snowflake about three quarters her size would be throwing up her food on a regular basis. This girl? She can't stop eating but still finds herself sexy. Admittedly that is kind of sexy.
And don't you dare think this girl is lonely either. Believe me there is a Caribbean dude somewhere asking her on a date. To dinner of course.



Stop fronting you know you know Mr. Marcus.
Mr. Marcus happens to be a hero of mine not just because he is a working porn star but because he stars in my favorite type of porn: Reparations Porn. Even though it is traditionally known as Interracial porn let's call it what it is: Reparations.
When a Black man in America can have sex with a white woman, have sex with two white women or gangbang her and also put it on film and not get lynched that's reparations.
So today and tomorrow I salute Mr. Marcus, Lexington Steele, Wesley Pipes and all the other Reparations Porn pioneers for doing what our ancestors were never allowed to do once they were captured, kidnapped and forced into slave labor here in America; have hardcore, disrespectful and degrading sex with Snowflakes. Until the government cuts me my check I'll have to settle for watching adult films like, "40 acres and a mule dick."



Another black cultural icon has died. Isaac Hayes passed away yesterday and all i can say is damn. The dude that gave us one of the coolest songs ever is dead at 65. I hate to say this but when i was first told that Hayes had died I had to stop myself from saying, "shut your mouth." I know that's stupid but hey I'm talking about the death of Isaac Hayes. Even though he was a scientologist I still cut him some slack because he was Isaac Hayes. Lord knows Hayes will have some explaining to do when meets the Lord but seeing how most of Hayes' music was responsible for the birth of so many babies, The Lord will probably give him a pass on the scientology stuff. And besides how can you keep a man out of heaven that actually had the nerve to refer to himself as Black Moses during a time when people still thought Jesus was white? Peace Black Moses you will be missed.


Rest In Peace to the Mac Man. He died this week after a bout with pneumonia. I honestly can say that I am sad as fuck. But I bet even though he died relatively young at 50, Bernie Mac was probably happy with his accomplishments in life.
Shit, he starred in three Oceans movies, was the headliner in the Kings of Comedy movie. He had an excellent sitcom about love and family values. respect due. Rest In Peace, Bernie you will be missed. Just one thing, would you mind if we buried every copy of Head Of State with you?


Hey white guys do it too - JOHN EDWARDS HAS A LOVE CHILD SCANDAL

John Edwards knew he had an affair and he knew had a love child in the atmosphere when he ran for President. The Maury Povich show is next for Mr. Edwards.


N.E.R.D - Everyone Nose (remix)

How dope is this remix to 'Everyone nose' feat Kanye, Lupe and Clipse front man, Pusha-T (who murders this track by the way). Props also to Hype Williams who continues to amaze. Hype drops viewers into three classic arcade landscapes: Space Invaders, Donkey Kong and Galaga; and even gives the artists hexagonal outlines characteristic of the 8 bit video games of the 80's.


Why Obama shouldn't play the Race Card

The Obama campaign needs to think harder about how to respond. The remark about presidents' faces on our currency was a sloppy unforced error, as the campaign quickly recognized, but also symptomatic of a larger problem. On the one hand, Barack Obama cannot afford to let potentially damaging charges go unanswered. On the other, if he gets sucked into the daily back-and-forth of negative campaigning, he will erode what has made him distinctive and attractive. Besides, he seems uncomfortable in that role. It's not an easy call, but on balance, he's probably better advised to stay on the high road while leaving it to surrogates to answer charges. Getting a vice presidential choice into the fray earlier rather than later would be useful. I nominate fictional rap group, N.W.H's front man; the incomparable, Ice Cold. Peep his 'embracing the P.*.S.S.Y' ideology:

Taken from the 1994 movie classic "Fear of a Black Hat"http://www.amazon.com/Fear-Black-Hat-Reggie-Bruce/dp/B00009MEKQ